Sajani Pekhalu Baraja Kisora

Sajani Pekhalu Baraja Kisora

Govinda Das Kaviraj has written this song “Sajani Pekhalu Baraja Kisora”. This song is taken from the book Padavali. In this song, Govinda Das Kaviraj has described how all the gopis are enchanted by the charming Lord Krishna.
sajani pekhalu baraja-kisora
piba-ite badana-sudhakara-madhuri
matala nayana-cakora
cudaye malati mala
parimale mati panti mata madhukara
gunjare tahi rasala
nila jalada tanu bhanu madana dhanu
nayana-kamala panca bana
jara jara antara kulabati-gauraba
saḿsaya rahala parane
madana makara yanu manimaya kundala
talamala dolata kane
hera-ite jaga-mana-mina garasaye
gobinda-dasa paramane
(Refrain) O gopi friend, today I saw a handsome teenage boy in Vraja. The cakora birds of my eyes became wild to taste the sweetness of the moonlight of the moon of His face.
(1) He was crowned with the feather of a wild peacock. The fragrance of His jasmine garland made the buzzing black bees wild with bliss.
(2) His form was a dark monsoon cloud. His eyebrows were the archer Kamadeva's two bows. From His lotus eyes Kamadeva fired his five arrows. The saintly gopis' hearts were gravely wounded. Their lives are now in doubt.
(3) His glistening jewel earrings shaped like Kamadeva's sharks swing to and fro from His ears. The fish of the gopis' hearts gaze at that shark. Now that shark devours those small fish. Govinda dasa thinks in this way.