Tribhangi Cchandah Stava

Tribhangi Chandah Stava, Lord Krsna

Rupa Goswami has written this song “Yamalarjuna Bhanjanam”. The official name of this song is Volume 1 Tribhangi Cchandah Stava. This song is taken from the book Stavamala. In this song, Rupa Goswami describes the divine glories of Lord Krsna – The Supreme Personality of Godhead.
yamalarjuna-bhasjanam asrita-rasjanam ahi-gasjana-ghana-lasya-bharam
pasupala-purandaram abhisrta-kandaram ati-sundaram aravinda-karam
vara-gopavadhu-jana-viracita-pujanam uru-kujana-nava-venu-dharam
smara-narma-vicaksanam akhila-vilaksana-tanu-laksanam ati-daksataram
pranatasani-pusjaram ambara-pisjaram ari-kusjara-harim indu-mukham
go-mandala-raksinam anukrta-paksinam ati-daksinam amitatma-sukham
guru-gaurika-manditam anunayana-panditam avakhandita-puru-huta-makham
vraja-kamala-virocanam alika-surocana-gorocanam ati-tamra-nakham
uddhata-sankocanam ambuja-locanam agha-mocanam amarali-natam
nikhiladhika-gauravam ujjvala-saurabham ati-gaurabha-pasupisu ratam
mrdu-pada-pallavam abhramu-vallabha-ruci-durlabha-sa-vilasa-gatam
bhuja-murdhani visankatam adhigata-sankata-nata-kankatam atavisu calam
nava-nipa-karambita-vana-rolambitam avalambita-kalakantha-kalam
durjana-trna-pavakam anucara-savaka-nikaravakam arunostha-dalam
nija-vikrama-carcita- bhuja-guru-garvita-gandharvita-danujardi-balam
sruti-ratna-vibhusana-ruci-jita-pusanam ali-dusana-nayananta-gatim
yamuna-tata-talpita-puspam analpita-mada-jalpita-dayitapta-ratim
vandemahi vandita-nandanam amandita-kulam andhita-khala-kamsa-matim
tvam iha damodara haladhara-sodara hara no daram anubaddha-ratim
(1) O Lord who broke the yamala-arjuna trees, O Lord who brings happiness to the souls who take shelter of You, O Lord whose dancing crushed a great serpent, O king of thegopas, O Lord who meets the gopis in the mountain caves, O handsome Lord, O Lord whose hands are lotus flowers, O Lord worshiped by the beautiful gopis, O Lord who makes the flute warble sweetly, O Lord expert at amorous joking, O Lord whose transcendental form has very wonderful features, O very expert and intelligent Lord, . . .
(2) O Lord who is a host of thunderbolts to protect the surrendered souls, O Lord who wears yellow garments, O lion who defeats Your elephant-enemies, O moon-faced Lord, O protector of the cows, O Lord whose voice is like the singing of birds, O very expert and intelligent Lord, O Lord whose happiness has no limit, O Lord handsomely decorated with pictures drawn in mineral colors, O Lord expert at pacifying the angry, O Lord who stopped the indra-yajna, O sun shining on the lotus of Vraja, O Lord whose forehead is gracefully decorated with gorocana tilaka, O Lord whose nails are red, . . .
(3) O Lord who shoots passionate Kamadeva's sharp arrows from the moving bows of Your vine-eyebrows, O Lord who weakens the sinful, O lotus-eyed Lord, O liberator from sin, O Lord worshiped by the demigods, O supreme object of worship, O Lord decorated with fragrant and splendid kunkuma, O Lord who loves the fair-complexioned gopis, O Lord whose flower-blossom feet are very soft and delicate, O Lord whose playful gracefulness even Airavata cannot attain, . . .  
(4) O Lord whose broad shoulders are a shield to protect the frightened surrendered souls, O Lord who wanders in the forest, O bumblebee flying in the kadamba filled forests, O Lord whose voice is like the sweet singing of cuckoos, O forest-fire who burns the grass of the wicked, O protector of Your young companions, O Lord whose lips are red flower petals, O Lord who, anointing Your arms with Your own great power, crushed the proud and monstrous demons, . . . 
(5) O Lord whose jeweled earrings have conquered the splendor of the sun, O Lord whose sidelong glances rebuke the restless black bees, O Lord who makes a bed of flowers on the Yamuna's shore, O Lord delighted by the many proud words of Your beloved, O Lord who bows down before Maharaja Nanda, O Lord born in an exalted family, O Lord who blinded the thoughts of the demon Kamsa, we offer our respectful obeisances to You. O Damodara, O brother of Balarama, O affectionate Lord, please rescue us from the fear of repeated birth and death.