Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura has written this song “Na Yoga Siddhir Na Mamastu”. The official name of this song is Sri Sri Vrndavanastakam. This song is taken from the book Stavamrta Lahari. In this song, Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura expresses his desire to reside in Vrndavana and states its glories.
na yoga-siddhir na mamastu mokso
vaikuntha-loke pi na parsadatvam
premapi na syad iti cet taram tu
mamastu vrndavana eva vasah
taraam janur yatra vidhir yayace
sad-bhakta-cudamanir uddhavo’ pi
viksyvaiva madhurya-dhuram tad asmin
mamastu vrndavana eva vasah
kim te krtam hanta tapah ksititi
gopyo pi bhume stuvate ras kirtim
yenaiva krsnanghri-padankite smin
mamastu vrndavana eva vasah
gopangana-lampata-taiva yatra
yasyam rasah purnatamatvam apa
yato raso vai sa iti srutis tan
mamastu vrndavana eva vasah
tri-simake yojana-pashcakena
mite vibhutvad amite pi casmin
mamastu vrndavana eva vasah
yatradhipatyam vrsabhanu-putrya
yenodayet prema-sukham jananam
yasmin mamasa balavat yato smin
mamastu vrndavana eva vasah
yasmin maha-rasa-vilasa-lila
na prapa yam srirapi sa tapobhih
mamastu vrndavana eva vasah
sada ruru-nyanku-mukha visankam
khelanti kujanti pikali kirah
sikhandino yatra natanti tasmin
mamastu vrndavana eva vasah
vrndavanasyastakam etad uccaih
pathanti ye niscala-buddhayas te
saksallabhante januso 'nta eva
(1) Let me not have mystic powers, impersonal liberation, the Lord's association in Vaikuntha, or even pure love for Him, if instead of them I may reside in Vrndavana.
(2) When Brahma and Uddhava, the crest jewels of devotees, saw the intense sweetness here, they begged to take birth here even as a blade of grass. For this reason I pray to reside in Vrndavana.
(3) Here the gopis glorified the earth, saying: "O Earth, what austerities have you done, so that your surface is now marked with Krishna's footprints?" May I reside in Vrndavana.
(4) May I reside in Vrndavana where, because the Vedas say raso vai sah (The Supreme Personality of Godhead is sweetness), transcendental sweetness attained its highest perfection in the gopis' passionate love.
(5) Although only five yojanas in circumference, bounded by Bhandiravana, Govardhana Hill and the rasa-dance arena, it is unlimited in transcendental opulence. May I reside in Vrndavana.
(6) Because Vrsabhanu's daughter is the queen, and because here the happiness of pure love of God rises, I yearn to live here. I pray: May I reside in Vrndavana.
(7) Even by performing many austerities goddess Lakshmi could not enter the great rasa-dance pastime here. May I reside in the splendidly beautiful groves of Vrndavana.
(8) May I reside in Vrndavana, where the ruru and nyanku deer fearlessly play, the cuckoos, bumblebees, and parrots sing, and the peacocks dance.
(9) They who with great concentration read aloud this Vrndavanastaka, at the end of this life attain direct service to the lotus feet of Vrndavana master.
Na Yoga Siddhir Na Mamastu – Sung by HG Jai Sachinanadana Prabhu