Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasa has written a song “Mimamsamanasya Samutthito”. The Official Name for this song is “Ugra Nrsimha Dhyana; Canto 7 Chapter 8 Verses 19 – 22”. This song is taken from the book Bhagavat Puran (Srimad Bhagavatam). Narahari has taken this fearful form to kill Hiranyakasipu and protect Prahlad Maharaj. His fearful and strong bodily features are described in this song.
mimamsamanasya samutthito 'grato
nrsimha-rupas tad alam bhayanakam [19]
sphurat sata-kesara-jrmbhitananam
karala-damstram karavala-cancala-
ksuranta-jihvam bhrukuti-mukholbanam [20]
stabdhordhva-karnam giri-kandaradbhuta-
vyattasya-nasam hanu-bheda-bhisanam
divi-sprsat kayam adirgha-pivara-
grivoru-vaksah-sthalam alpa-madhyamam [21]
candramsu-gaurais churitam tanuruhair
visvag bhujanika-satam nakhayudham
durasadam sarva-nijetarayudha-
praveka-vidravita-daitya-danavam [22]
(1)-(4) Hiranyakasipu studied the form of the Lord, trying to decide who the form of Nrsimhadeva standing before him was. The Lord's form was extremely fearsome because of His angry eyes, which resembled molten gold; His shining mane, which expanded the dimensions of His fearful face; His deadly teeth; and His razor-sharp tongue, which moved about like a dueling sword. His ears were erect and motionless, and His nostrils and gaping mouth appeared like caves of a mountain. His jaws parted fearfully, and His entire body touched the sky. His neck was very short and thick. His chest broad, His waist thin, and the hairs on His body as white as the rays of the moon. His arms, which resembled flanks of soldiers, spread in all directions as He killed the demons, rogues and atheists with His conchshell, disc, club, lotus and other natural weapons.