Sahaja Prema Mrdula Pura

Lord Krishna, Sahaja Prema Mrdula Pura

Sanatana Goswami has written this song "Sahaja Prema Mrdula Pura". The official name of this song is Obeisances 95 and 96 Verses 372 to 378. This song is taken from the book Krsna Lila Stava. In this song, Sanatana Goswami describes the divine pastimes of Lord Krishna in Mathura, where he killed Canura, Sala, Tosala and Kamsa.
sahaja-prema-mrdula pura-stri-gana-socita
pitr-matr-mahartijna jaya canura-mardana
sala-tosala-samhartar bala-ghatita-mustika
vidravitanyamallaugha rama-patita-kutaka
bhumi-patita-bhojendra kamsopari-vikurdita
kamsa-dhvamsana kamsare jaya kamsa-nisudana
hrtorvi-bhaya-bhararte jagac-chalya-vinasaka
brahmesadi-suranandin kalanemi-vimuktida
bala-ghatita-dustasta-kamsa-sodara pahi mam
(1) O Lord Krsna, the naturally affectionate and gentle women of Mathura lamented (when they saw You fighting with Canura). The women criticized the entire assembly (for tolerating the unfair match of the tender young Krsna, with the powerful Canura), and everyone became very embarrassed.
(2) O Lord Krsna, You became pleased when the women of Mathura sang this glorification of the gopis of Vraja. Understanding the sufferings of Your father and mother, You quickly killedCanura. O Lord, all glories unto You.
(3) O Lord krsna, when You killed Sala, and Tosala, and Lord Balarama killed Mustika and Kutaka, all the other wrestlers fled from the arena.
(4) O Lord Krsna, You became very angry, hearing the demoniac words of Kamsa from the high dais. When Kamsa moved his sword and shield (to kill You), You violently grasped his hair.
(5) O Lord Krsna, You threw Kamsa, King of the Bhojas, to the ground, and jumped up on his back. O enemy of Kamsa, O Killer of Kamsa, all glories unto You.
(6) O Lord Krsna, You killed Kamsa who was like a sharp thorn causing pain to the entire world, and in this way You removed the fears and sufferings of the earth. To satisfy Your father and mother and reassure them that the demon was actually dead, You dragged the dead body of Kamsa.
(7) O Lord Krsna, when You killed Kamsa, who was formerly known as Kalanemi-daitya, You caused Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and all the demigods to rejoice. Lord Balarama then killedKamsa's eight demoniac brothers. O Lord, please protect me.