Narottam Das Thakur has written this song “Kadamba Tarura Dala”. This song is taken from the book Prarthana (Section: Mathura Virohcita Darasana Lalasa Song 4). In this song, Narottam Das Thakur describes the divine pastimes of Lord Krsna and Srimati Radharani amidst the kadamba trees in Vrindavana.
kadamba tarura ḍāla, nāmiyāche bhūme bhāla,
phuṭiyāche phula sāri sāri
parimale bharalo, sakala vṛndāvana,
keli kore bhramarā bhramarī
rāi kānu vilasaye rańge
kibā rūpa lāvani, vaidagadhi khani dhani,
maṇimaya ābharaṇa ańge
rādhāra dakṣiṇa kara, dhari priya giridhara,
madhura madhura coli yāy
āge pāche sakhī-gaṇa, kore phula variṣaṇa
kono sakhī cāmara ḍhulāya
parāge dhūsara sthala, candre kore suśītala,
maṇimaya vedīra upore
rāi kānu kara joḍi, nṛtya kore phiri phiri,
paraśe pulake tanu bhare
(1) In Vrndavana the kadamba trees offer obeisances, their flowering branches reverently touching the ground. Bumble bees enjoy pastimes in Vrndavana, which is filled with a very sweet fragrance.
(2) Radha and Krsna stay in the place where They enjoy pastimes. How beautiful They are. Their bodies are decorated with jewel ornaments, and They are wealthy with many gem mines of intelligence and wit.
(3) Dear Giridhari holds Srimati Radharani’s right hand, and together They gracefully stroll about. The gopis shower flowers before and behind Them, and one gopi fans them with acamara whisk.
(4) That place is filled with the aromatic pollen of the lotus, and it is made pleasantly cool by the shining of the moon. On a raised platform there, Radha and Krsna dance, holding hands, the hairs of Their bodies standing up in ecstasy.