Srastam Srastam Udanicayanty

Concluding Prayer

Rupa Goswami has written this song “Srastam Srastam Udanicayanty”. The official name of this song is Volume 2: Concluding Prayer. This song is taken from the book Stavamala. In this song, Rupa Goswami describes how Srimati Radha and Lord Krishna leave for their respective homes, just as night is ending, after enjoying transcendental pastimes.
srastam srastam udanscayanty adisirah syamam nicolascalam
hastena slatha-durbalena lulitakalpam vahanti tanum
muktardham avarudhya venim alasa-spande ksipanti drsau
kusjat pasya grham pravisya nibhrtam sete sakhi radhika
mlanam utksipya malam trutita-mani-sarah kajjalam bibhrad-osthe
sankirnango nakhankhair disi disi vikiran ghurnite netra-padme
pasya mlananga-yastih sphutam aparicito gopa-gosthibhir agre
gostham gosthendra-sunuh pravisati rajanau dhvamsam asadayantyam
(1) Look! With a weak hand pulling up the repeatedly falling blue cloth covering Her head, the ornaments on Her body disarrayed, languidly tying Her loosened braids, and slowly looking this way and that, friend Radha leaves the forest, enters Her home, and lies down to rest.
(2) Tossing aside His wilted garland, His jewel necklace broken, mascara on His lips, His body decorated with fingernail marks, His lotus eyes rolling in all directions, and His arms fatigued, unseen by the gopas, the prince of Vraja enters Vraja Village just as night is ending.