Bhaktivinod Thakurhas written this song “Radha Bhajane Jadi Mati”. The Official Name for this song is Radhikastakam Song 8. This song is taken from the book Gitavali. Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that without Radha’s mercy one cannot attain Sri Krishna’s mercy. Sri Radhe is Hari Govinda’s internal energy. Whoever serves Srimati Radhika attains the love of Krishna very quickly.
radha-bhajane jadi mati nahi bhela
krsna-bhajana tava akarana gela
atapa-rohita suraya nahi jani
radha-virahita madhava nahi mani
kevala madhava pujaye so ajnani
radha anadara koro-i abhimani
kabanhi nahi korobi tankor sanga
citte icchasi jadi braja-rasa-ranga
radhika-dasi jadi hoy abhiman
sighra-i mila-i taba gokula-kan
brahma, siva, narada, sruti, narayani
radhika-pada-raja pujaye mani’
uma, rama, satya, saci, candra, rukmini
radha-avatara sabe, amnaya-vani
heno radha-paricarya jankara dhan
bhakativinoda ta’r magaye caran
(1) If your desire for the worship of Srimati Radharani does not come about, then your so-called worship of Krsna is completely useless.
(2) Just as I never know the sun to be without sunlight, so I do not care to regard Madhava without Radha.
(3) One who worships Madhava alone is imperfect in his knowledge, and one who disrespects Radha is simply conceited and proud.
(4) You should never associate with such a person if you at all desire within your heart to participate in the eternal sportive pastimes of Vraja.
(5) If one considers oneself to be a humble maidservant of Radhika, then such a person very quickly meets the Lord of Gokula.
(6) Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Narada Muni, the personified Vedas, and Laksmi-devi all honor and worship the dust of Radhika's lotus feet.
(7) The Vedic scriptures declare that the goddesses Uma, Rama, Satya, Saci, Candra, and Rukmini are all personal expansions of Srimati Radharani.
(8) Bhaktivinoda, whose only treasure is the service of such a Radha, humbly begs for Her lotus feet.