Govinda Das Kaviraj has written this song “Suna Suna E Sakhi Nivedana Toya”. This song is taken from the book Padavali. In this song, Govinda Das Kaviraj describes how Srimati Radharani tries to persuade her gopi friend to place her request before Lord Krishna.
suna suna e sakhi nibedana toya
maramaka bedana janasi moya
baithahe naha catura-gana majhi
aiche kahabi yaiche na hoya laja
sakhi-gana majhe caturi tohe jani
adara rakhi milayabi ani
aba biracaha tuhum so parabandha
kanuka yaiche hoya nirabandha
jibana rahite naha yadi paba
gobinda-dasa taba tuya yasa gaba
(1) Listen. Listen. I beg you. O gopi-friend, only you know the anguish in my heart.
(2) You are not shy. You will speak to Lord Krsna, who sits among His clever friends.
(3) You are the wisest of my gopi-friends. This I know. You can keep your honor and still meet with Krsna.
(4) Please write a letter that places my request before Krsna.
(5) If I do not attain Krsna, I will not continue to live. O gopi, in this song Govinda dasa sings your glories.