Govinda Das Kaviraj has written this song ”Nahi Uthala Donhe Kunthaka Tira”. This song is taken from the book Padavali. In this song, Govinda Das Kaviraj describes the divine pastimes of Srimati Radharani and Lord Krishna wherein Srimati Radharani tries in various ways to bring pleasure to Lord Krishna’s heart.
nahi uthala domhe kundaka-tira
tanu tanu lagala patala cira
ange bana-ola naba naba besa
kunjaka-majhe karala parabesa
bibidha mitha-i katahu upahara
bhojana kari tamhi kata parakara
ra-ika yatane so-i syama-raya
bahu-bidha bhujala harisa hiyaya
(1) The divine couple emerge from the water. They walk on the lakeshore. They dress in fine garments.
(2) Newer and newer garments They place on Their limbs. They enter a forest grove.
(3) They eat many delicious foods. How many kinds of foods do They enjoy?
(4) In many ways Radha tries to bring pleasure to dark Krsna’s heart.