Kohabun Ki Sarama Ki Bat

Kohabun Ki Sarama Ki Bat ,el hare krishna

Bhaktivinod Thakur has written this song ” Kohabun Ki Sarama Ki Bat”. The official Name for this song is ” Atma-Nivedana Song 2″. This song is taken from the book Sarangati. Bhaktivinoda Saraswati Thakura says that we have committed so many shameful offenses, there has to be a consequence for that. You shall reap for what you sow. These sins do deserve repeated birth and death cycle. But Krishna is so merciful that whoever takes His shelter is free from these cycle. Hence engage your mind in Govind Bhakti and associate with devotee’s.
(praneswar!) kohobun ki sarama ki bat
aichana pap nahi,  jo hama na koralun,
sahasra sahasra beri nath
sohi karama-phala,  bhave moke pesa-i,
dokha deobo ab kahi
takhonaka parinam,  kachu na bicaralun,
ab pachu taraite cahi
dokha vicara-i,  tunhu danda deobi,
hama bhoga korabun samsar
karato gatagati,  bhakata-jana-sange,
mati rohu carane tohar
apana caturpana,  tuwa pade sonpalun,
hrdoya-garava dure gelo
dina-doya-moya,  tuwa krpa niramala,
bhakativinoda asa bhelo
(1) How much more shall I tell You of my shameful story? There is no sin which I have not committed thousands and thousands of times.
(2) My life in this world has been one of affliction and torment as a result of those sins. Whom will I blame but myself? At the time I did not consider the consequences; now, in the aftermath, I seek to be saved.
(3) After judging my sins, You should punish me, for I deserve to suffer the pangs of rebirth in this world. I only pray that, as I wander through repeated births and deaths, my mind may ever dwell at Your lotus feet in the company of Vaisnavas.
(4) I offer You this judicious prayer. My heart’s false pride has gone far away. O You who are so kind to the meek, Your pure mercy has become Bhaktivinoda’s only hope.