Adya Svo Gamana Vyaja

Adya Svo Gamana Vyaja, Sri Krsna

Sanatana Goswami has written this song "Adya Svo Gamana Vyaja". The official name of this song is Obeisance 102 Verses 391 to 397. This song is taken from the book Krsna Lila Stava. In this song, Sanatana Goswami describes the glorious activities of Sri Krsna.
prasida muhur-aslesa-nanda-sambhasanakula
vaso'lankara-kupyadi-dana-marita-nanda he
jala-sekady-upanita-nanda-prana prasida me
tvaragamana-satyokti-visvasti-krta nanda mam
parsve raksa susandesa-yasoda-dainya-vardhana
muhur muhuh paravartamana-nandasru-sampluta
nandanuvrajana-vyaja vraja-dina-janasuda
nirudhyamana-netrabja-vari-dhara prasida me
(1) O Lord Krsna, please be merciful to me. Falsely promising to soon return to Vrajabhumi, You protected Vraja's king, Nanda Maharaja from great distress. (At the time of Your separation from him), You very affectionately embraced him and spoke very sweetly to him.
(2) O Lord Krsna, Nanda Maharaja became completely impoverished in the skill of speaking many clever words, and his separation from You caused his crying to greatly increase. The cowherd men earnestly embraced You and cried many tears of grief.
(3) O Lord Krsna, elderly Nanda Maharaja became almost dead with grief, and he continually fainted and fell to the ground. You became full of pain to see this, and You tried to console him, and gave him many gifts of valuable garments, ornaments, household utensils and other things.
(4) O Lord Krsna, in this way You pained the hearts of the cowherd men who began to loudly cry out "Alas, alas!" By sprinkling water, You revived the life-breath of Nanda Maharaja. O Lord, please be merciful to me.
(5) O Lord Krsna, trusting as complete truth Your promise to return although Nanda Maharaja completely trusted as true Your promise to quickly return home, the sufferings of Yasoda-devigreatly increased as she heard Your words. O Lord please protect me.
(6) O Lord Krsna, constantly inundated by Nanda-Maharaja's tears, You maintained the lives of the miserable residents of Vrajabhumi, by tricking them into believing that You would soon follow Nanda Maharaja as he went there.
(7) O Lord Krsna, for the gopi's benefit You decorated Yourself with promises to return to Vraja. O Lord whose eyes then became filled with a flowing stream of tears, please be merciful to me.