Narottam Das Thakur has written this song “Ana Katha Na Bolibo”. This song is taken from the book Prema Bhakti Candrika. In this song, Narottam Das Thakur has glorified Lord Krsna, Srimati Radharani, Lord Chaitanya and some of his associates.
ana katha na bolibo, ana katha na sunibo,
sakali koribo paramartha
prarthana koribo sada, lalasa abhista katha,
iha vina sakali anartha
isvarera tattva yoto, taha va kohibo koto,
ananta apara keba jane
vraja pure prema satya, ei se parama tattva,
bhajo bhajo anuraga
govinda gokula candra, parama ananda kanda,
parivara gopa gopi sange
nandisvara yara dhama, giridhari yara nama,
sakhi sange tare bhajo range
prema bhakti tattva ei, tomare kohinu bhai,
ara durvasana parihari
sri guru prasade bhai, e saba bhajana pai,
prema bhakti sakhi anucari
sarthaka bhajana patha, sadhu sange avirata,
smarana bhajana krsna katha
prema bhakti hoy yadi, tabe hoy manah suddhi
tabe yay hrdayera vyatha
visaya vipatti jano, saḿsara svapana mano,
nara tanu bhajanera mula
anurage bhajo sada, prema bhave lila katha,
ara yoto hrdayera sula
radhika carana renu, bhusana koriya tanu,
anayase pabe giridhari
radhika caranasraya, ye kore se mahasaya,
tare mui yai bolihari
jaya jaya radha nama, vrndavana yara dhama,
krsna sukha vilasera nidhi,
heno radha guna gana, na sunilo mora kana,
vaschita korilo more vidhi
tara bhakta sange sada, rasa lila prema katha,
ye kore se pay ghanasyama
ihate vimukha yei, tara kabhu siddhi nai,
nahi yeno suni tara nama
krsna nama gane bhai, radhika carana pai,
radha nama gane krsna candra.
sanksepe kohinu kotha, ghucao monera byatha,
duhkamaya anya katha dhanda
ahankara abhimana, asat sanga asat jsana,
chadi bhajo guru pada padma
kori atma nivedana, deha geha parijana,
guru vakya parama mahattva
sri krsna caitanya deva, rati mati tare seva,
prema kalpataru data
vraja raja nandana, radhikara prana dhana,
aparupa ei saba katha
navadvipe avatara, radha bhava angikara,
bhava kanti angera bhusana
tina vascha abhilasi, saci garbhe parakasi,
sange saba parisada gana
gaurahari avatari, premera badara kori,
sadhila manera nija kaja
radhikara pranapati, ki bhave kandaye niti,
iha bujhe bhakata samaja
gupate sadhibe siddhi, sadhana navadha bhakti,
prarthana koribo dainye sada
kori hari sankirtana, sadai ananda mana,
krsna vina ara saba badha
e saḿsara batuyare, kama pase bandhi mare,
phukara koroho hari dasa
koroho bhakata sanga, prema katha rasa-ranga,
tabe hoy vipada vinasa
stri putra bandhava yoto, mari yay koto sata,
apanare hao savadhana
mui se visaya hata, na bhajinu hari pada,
mora ara nahi paritrana
ramacandra kaviraja, sei sange mora kaja,
tara sanga vina sab sunya
yadi janma hoy punah, tara sanga hoy yeno,
tabe hoy narottama dhanya
apana bhajana katha, na kohibo yatha tatha,
ihate hoibo savadhana
na koriho keho rosa, na loiho keho dosa,
pranamahu bhaktera carana
sri gauranga prabhu more ye bolana vani
taha vina bhalo manda kichui na jani
lokanatha prabhupada hrdaye vilasa
prema bhakti candrika kohe narottama dasa
(1) I will not hear other talk. I will not speak other talk. I will speak about the most precious thing. I always pray for this. Aside from the talk I yearn to hear, all other words are useless.
(2) How can I describe the Supreme Personality of Godhead? He is limitless. Who can know Him? The love the people of Vraja feel for Lord Krsna is eternal. It is the true reality. Always strive to attain that love.
(3) Lord Krsna is the pleasure of the cows, land and senses, the moon of Gokula, and the root of transcendental bliss. He stays with many gopa and gopi friends. His home is Nandisvara, and His name is Giridhari. Please, in the company of the gopis, worship Him with love.
(4) O brother, the truth of loving devotional service has already been explained to you. O brother, I will leave all material desires behind and, by my guru’s mercy I will perfectly worship Lord Krsna with pure love, and I will become His gopi-maidservant.
(5) Follow the path of sincere devotional service. Stay among the devotees. Remember Krsna and talk about Him. When loving devotion comes, your mind will become pure and all sufferings will flee from your heart.
(6) Know that sense happiness is a calamity. Know that the material world is a dream. Know that this human life is the root from which devotional service may sprout. With love always worship Lord Krsna. With love always hear His pastimes. To do anything else is to plunge a spear in your own heart.
(7) If one decorates his body with the dust from Srimati Radharani’s lotus feet, then it will be very easy for him to attain Lord Giridhari. I congratulate such a great soul who takes shelter ofSrimati Radharani’s lotus feet and I say to him” Well done! Bravo! Excellent!
(8) Glory, glory to She who is named Radha, whose home is Vrndavana, and who is Lord Krsna’s treasury of blissful pastimes! Alas, destiny has cheated me, for my ears have not heardRadha’s glories.
(9) A person who, in the company of the devotees, again and again hears the stories of the pure love in the rasa-dance pastimes will attain Lord Krsna, who is dark as a monsoon cloud. A person averse to hearing these pastimes will never attain perfection. I refuse to hear the name of such an offender.
(10) O brother, by chanting Krsna’s name I will attain Radha, and by chanting Radha’s name I will attain Krsna. Now I have briefly told you how to chase all sufferings from your heart. What contradicts my words will bring only pain.
(11) Abandon false ego, pride, company with materialists, and useless material knowledge, and worship the lotus feet of your spiritual master. Offer your home, friends, relatives, body and self to him. His words are supreme.
(12) Always serve Sri Krsna Caitanyadeva, who is a kalpa-vrksa tree giving away the treasure of pure love. He is Lord Krsna Himself, the prince of Vraja and the life of Srimati Radharani. Talk about Him is full of wonder.
(13) Accepting the loving emotions of Sri Radha and accepting Her bodily lustre as the ornament of His limbs, Lord Krsna descended to Navadvipa. Desiring to attain three things, Heappear in Saci’s womb. He attained His desires in the company of His devotees.
(14) Appearing in a fair-complexioned form, He made a great monsoon of spiritual love. In this way He attained His three desires. Why did Lord Krsna, the master of Radha, cry again and again? Only the devotees can know.
(15) In private I will practice the nine kinds of devotional service and in this way I will attain perfection. I will always humbly pray for that. In public I will perform Hari-sankirtana, my heart overcome with love. Any activity that does not lead to My worshipable Lord is an obstacle.
(16) When arrested by the highwaymen of material illusion, bound about the neck with ropes of lust, and about to take his last breath, the devotee of Lord Hari calls out for the Lord’s help and is saved. O devotees, call out in this way, glorifying the nectar topics of pure love for Krsna. Then the calamity of repeated birth and death will come to an end.
(17) Hundreds and hundreds of women, children and other relatives will someday die. Take care of yourself. I, who am very fallen, am already killed by sense gratification. I would not worship Lord Hari’s feet. Now I have no protection.
(18) I desire the association of Ramcandra Kaviraja. Without his company the entire world is a desert. If I must take birth again, I would feel myself fortunate to have his association.
(19) I will not describe the specific devotional activities of each devotee. Perform your devotional service carefully. Don’t become angry. Don’t find fault with others. Offer obeisances to the devotees’ feet.
(20) Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu has enabled me to write these words. Without His mercy I am simply a fool who cannot distinguish right from wrong.
(21) In his heart aspiring to attain the mercy of Srila Lokanatha Gosvami Prabhupada, Narottama dasa speaks this book, Sri Prema-bhakti-candrika (The Moonlight of Loving Devotion).