Mrgamada Candana Kore Kori Sakhigana

Mrgamada Candana Kore Kori Sakhigana

Narottam Das Thakur has written this song "Mrgamada Candana Kore Kori Sakhigana". This song is taken from the book Prarthana (Section: Mathura Virohcita Darsana Lalasa Song 5). In this song, Narottam Das Thakur describes the enchanting pastimes of the Divine Couple – Lord Krishna and Srimati Radharani.
mrgamada candana, kore kori sakhigana,
varisaye phula gandha raje
srama-jala bindu bindu, sobha kore mukha indu,
adhare murali nahi baje
hasya vilasa rasa, sarasa madhura bhasa,
narottama manoratha bhoru
duhuka vicitra vesa, kusuma racita kesa,
locana mohana lila koru
(1) The gopis decorate the Divine Couple with musk and sandalwood paste, and shower Them with aromatic flowers.  Drops of perspiration make Lord Krsna's moonlike face splendid.  The flute is gracefully placed against Lord Krsna's lips. 
(2) With the nectar of Their joking and laughter and the sweetness of Their charming talks, the Divine Couple fulfills all the desires of Narottama dasa.  Dressed in wonderful colorful garments and Their hair decorated with flowers, the Divine Couple enjoys pastimes, enchanting the eyes of everyone.